April 3, 2011

Quest & Ans

1. Why create a blog?
To show how i feel bout him, how much i love him, how important him to my life. I've never done this before, he's the first.

2. How about now?
I've been cheated, been played. damn.

3. So why still blog-ing?
I still have happiness to share. My family, my friends. Love Never End, that's the answer.

4. Dont u feel lonely?
Do i have to? hey, life is not just about love!

5. Does it hurt?
Its sucks. Especially when someone u trust, u loved, lied to u.

6. No second chance?
I had given to him, but he broke it. Im tired, its done.

7. What if he still trying to be with u?
Depends, but i dont think so. Babe, he's a GUY. Once they lied, second time third time for sure it happen again. I've learn from my experienced, and my friends told me so.

8. Dont u feel so cruel to him by telling all this? 
I've written nicely, but what i've got??

9. Do u regret it?
Why should i?

10. what will u do after this?
Live my life. I've nothing to care, nothing to worry. Study + Shopping + Success, amin.

11. No love story after this?
Peeps, love never end. I repeat, love never end.

12. Conclusion?
Dont BREAK my heart.

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