April 4, 2011


Dont know what is really happened to me tonight..
Wanna eat this, wanna eat that, just like pregnant woman.haih!

1. Mcflury Oreo at Mcd
2. Cheese Cake from Sist.Ati
3. Brownies at S.Recipe
4. Grilled Chicken at Pasar's stall (dont know the nme =p)
5. Beef Fried Mee at KK
6. Chicken Chop at Senario

owh peeps, where can i find all this at Labuan?? T.T
except for the food no.2. Dalam campus je pun,HAHA


  1. assalam..eheheheh... yg no 1 & 2 tuh ble dpat d cni la...ko ni...
    nnt kol aq jak,insya-Allah..kalo aq x bz,aq tmankan ko..
    janji ni..:)

  2. yezza..
    sayang ko ketat2-lah mina! =)
