Its midnite, silent, dark, cold, n bored..
i am alone, sitting infront of my luvly vaio juz like usual. All of a sudden, lights of bulb cames out asking me a question.."hey dreamer, why dont u open your blog n tell others about your birthday??" i juz, ha'ah la aku lupe nak tulis pasal tu!mangkok -,-''
9th of March 2011Chating, texting, macam biase je kot. Memang aku tau esok birthday aku tapi ntah la. Macam bosan jek. Bukan de mak kat campus nak belikan kek, bagi hadiah. Bukan de abah kat campus untuk aku minta duit lebih, sebab birthday. Bukan de member2 skola yang datang uma and celeb together. Its juz, sedeyh kot! T.T
Sampai la betul2 tepat kowl 12mlm, which is the date is changed to 10th march, suddenly my cellphone ringing and shaerah-hubby comes out. Aku angkat je tros kua munyik "happy birthday syg!.." wee~ aku ske kot.hehe. Well, sape tak suke bile beloved diorang call and wish bithday and, and, and, become the first person yg wish! =D Thanx a lot By for your wishes, for calling, for 3G, and also thanx to your friends yg wish jgk. Even though tengah kelaparan dan makan, still tak henti2 tengok jam to makesure u're the first who wish birthday to me. That's why i love u! tapi kan, sedeyh la plak bile mr.Hubby cakap tak dapat nak celeb sesame, kitorang kan jauh. plus, aku tak dapat pegi KK minggu tu sebab ade midterm on Sunday.WTH -,-
10TH MARCH 2011
Nothing happened. ari biase kot, org sebok ke class, busy nak midterm. birthday aku? err,ade diorang kisah?? perasan! tapi nasib bek la ade FB, terase-lah birthday girl tu kan. org wish, bla bla bla.. kat cellphone pun. boleh2 mak called and asked, "ade ko dapat present?" my answer, "mak takde camne nak dapat"..
Come on-lah syira, ko da besar kot (takla besar sangat). so, tak kisah la ade present ke tak, yg penting mak bagi duit utk shopping. Do i care??LOL
Night of the day-bff aku ckp ade meeting. aku pun turun pegi cafe. tengok2, ade kfc.glup! tibe2 dgr sora bff, "kpd Siti Nursyahirah, happy birthday! jap lagi aku anta kek ko ye." then kua kek+makcik cafe nyanyi lagu birthday. uhai, suprise kot! Thanx BFF! luv u tight2! ^^
normal la kalau tangan da kotor pegang food, memang tak teusik-lah hp utk snap pic
kek da masuk perut,ni je yg tinggal =p
Note for myself : no matter how far your family, your boy, your teddy, your scooter, u always have your friends that cares of u, xoxo =')
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