March 30, 2011
Its not easy to find true love,
And not easy to find someone who is willing to face everything together.
But believe in destiny,
You'll find it if the time has arrived.
Appreciate the people around who are always with you,
March 29, 2011
Walau kau 3G, call seribu kali, mesej tak berhenti..
Aku masih sakit..
Cuma satu yg aku mau, yg aku harap..
Kau juga tau, tidak perlu ku ucap..
(bak kate p'puan tu,common senses okey!)
haha WTF
March 28, 2011
All About Wishes
*I wish my heart can be treated
*I wish my ego can be reduced
*I wish my pain can be eliminated
*I wish my love back to normal
*I wish I can accept the fact
*I wish I can forget everything
*I wish I can stop crying
*I wish I can be strong enough to faced all this
*I wish I can forgive him
*I wish I can give him a second chance
*I wish he knows what I wanted
*I wish he knows what I expected
*I wish he's here, right here, by my side.
And wish all above will come true..
*I wish my ego can be reduced
*I wish my pain can be eliminated
*I wish my love back to normal
*I wish I can accept the fact
*I wish I can forget everything
*I wish I can stop crying
*I wish I can be strong enough to faced all this
*I wish I can forgive him
*I wish I can give him a second chance
*I wish he knows what I wanted
*I wish he knows what I expected
*I wish he's here, right here, by my side.
And wish all above will come true..
Bloved Mom
Sera da bosan la duduk sini..
Sera da jadi teruk..da malas nak belajar..da tak tau diri sendiri..asyik menangis je..
Sera rindu mak sangat..nak tinggal dgn mak..nak baring dgn mak..nak peluk mak..nak sembang dgn mak kat bilik sebelum tido..nak lepak dgn mak kat kfc..nak pegi butik dgn mak..nak mkn masakan mak..nak main tolak kaki dgn mak..nak karoke dgn mak..nak gelak-gelak dgn mak..pegi spa dgn mak..
Sera minta maaf..kadang keluar tak bagitau mak..keluar sorang tapi cakap dgn kawan..selalu buat mak risau..
Sera nak call mak..tapi skarang cume ada RM5 je..kalau topup, nanti Sera nak makan ape..
Sera diam je, tak nak bagitau mak..sebab kalau bagitau, mesti mak bagi duit..
Sera nak rasa susah, nak cuba berdikari, cuba takde duit macam orang lain..memang Sera tak boleh tahan, tapi Sera cuba..
Setiap kali call mesti mak tanya "ade duit lagi tak? kalau takde cakap je nanti mak suruh abah bankin.." Tapi da 3hari mak tak call, mungkin mak sibuk..Sera tunggu, Sera tak nak msg mak cakap takde duit, biar-lah mak sendiri yg tanya..
Mak..Sera rindu mak sangat..hati Sera sakit ni mak..kalau-lah Sera boleh cerita semua nya dgn mak..Sera nak nangis kuat-kuat..nangis depan mak..sambil peluk mak..
Mak..Sera minta maaf sebab tipu mak..setiap kali mak tanya keadaan Sera, mesti Sera cakap okey..sedangkan Sera tak tahan mak..Sera nak balik..Sera tak seronok..Sera sakit..Sera cuma tak nak mak risau, abah risau..
Mak..kalau-lah Sera ikut cakap abah utk ambik UITM S.alam..kalau-lah Sera ikut cakap abah supaya tak mintak UMS..kalau-lah Sera ikut ckp abah, mesti Sera tak macam ni..
Mak..Doakan supaya Sera tahan ye..Doakan supaya Sera kuat..Doakan supaya Sera selamat..Doakan supaya Sera gembira..Doakan Sera supaya dapat menilai baik buruk..dan doakan Sera berjaya..berjaya utk mak n abah..
:: tak boleh stdy,hanya mampu menangis,minta maaf ye mak =''(
March 27, 2011
Aku tak tau macam mane aku bley mimpi dia pagi tadi. Mungkin sebab byk berfikir, tentang perkara yg telah, sedang, dan akan berlaku antara kami. Mungkin sakit yg terlalu dalam, sakit yg telah terpendam, sakit yg berdendam. Mimpi yg tak pernah dialami, menangis. Menangis yg teramat sgt. Tersedu-sedu. Okey ayat ni memang skema tahap gaban n aku tak tau nak cakap camne. Yg aku tau, mimpi tu aku menangis gile-gile, n bila bgn tido, aku tetibe menangis, tersedu-sedu.
- Syira, kau kuat ke tak ni?
- Syira, kau tahan ke tak ni?
- Syira, kau okey ke tak ni?
March 26, 2011
March 25, 2011
Wake up, and go back to sleep.
Wake up, and go back to sleep.
Wake up, and go back to sleep.
So it happened this morning.
So it happened this morning.
Like there is no hope,
Like no other life.
Arise for the sake of happiness, in order to build the excitement.
Because, the wound that was contaminated, there is the cure for it.
March 24, 2011
Pagi-pagi lagi aku da kua g bandar, sorang-sorang. Aku tak tau ape yg aku cari, aku tak tau ape yang aku buat. Yang aku tau, aku perlukan ruang. Aku perlukan masa. Masa utk berfikir, tentang diri, tentang kehidupan, tentang kesakitan, tentang segalanya..
"welcome..makan sini miss?sorang ja?" tu la ayat waitress tu masa aku masuk pizza for the first time, sorang-sorang. "ye, sorang je." sambil aku senyum. Senyum yang penuh makna, senyum yang penuh duka, senyuman yang sudah hilang keikhlasannya.
Macam-macam aku order, foster, cheese baked rice, garlic bread, mushroom soup.. Tp sume tak terusik. Aku biar je sampai sejuk. Kenapa?aku takde slera. Aku order byk, dgn harapan akan ade orang yg tolong abiskan. Tp aku lupe, aku cume seorang. Tak kisah la, asal aku puas, asal aku tenang, walau cume sekejap.
Lama la jugak aku stay kt pizza ni, orang tgk aku cam pelik je. Lantak la, aku bkn dtg mkn free.huhu
Lepas ni, nak main bowling. Sorang?ha la, aku tak tau nak wat ape da. 1st time jugak la aku men bowlng sorang-sorang. Teringat pulak kat abah ngan mak. Before masuk U, every weekend mesti kitorg g men bowlng. Seronok. Tp skarang, aku men sorang je. Aku kne biase kan. Lama-lama nanti okey la ni. Syira, kau kan kuat. Keras hati, keras kepala.hee ^,^ Biar-lah apa orang fikir, biar-lah apa orang kata. Yg penting, aku wat hal sendiri, aku tak kacau orang lain.
:: Kesakitan, kepedihan, biar aku yang rasa. Kelak, akan ada yang menghargai.
March 23, 2011
Love Lies
I've been waiting for everynight..
I,ve been waiting for everyday..
Your love, your heart, your soul..
I've got lies..
I've got cheats..
U said that she's cheated on you for another guy..
But you done it too..
U said that you hate her so much..
But you actually find her, text her, call her..
U said that im the one who you love..
But you love her too..
Its hurt, its suck..
You lie to me, again..
From now on, i give want you want.
U want to be single so i give it to you.
U want your old life so i give it to you.
U want her back so i give it to you..
But please, please, please..
Dont say that i dont love you..
Dont say that i dont care about you..
Because everything i do..
Sakit, sakit, sakit..
Biar kau gembira, biar kau bahagia, biar kau disisi nya.
Tidak perlu berdusta, tidak perlu meminta, tidak perlu menduga.
Sakit, sakit, sakit..
Walau aku menanggung, walau aku merana, walau aku sengsara.
Namun Tuhan tahu, kebenarannya, hakikatnya..
Kau Bukan Seperti Dulu..
March 21, 2011
Loving Hearts There are many miles between us, But our hearts see not the distance. Drawing our love even closer, On this my heart it is insistent. When we talk my heart sings, You'll never know the happiness it brings. Just to hear a word from you, Keeps my heart from being blue. I love you truly, yes I do. I forever want to be with you. For now I'll settle for the phone, But know it's in your dreams that I belong. Longing for the day we greet, Two loving hearts will then get to meet. Never more to be apart, Knowing it was long distance we got our start. |
:: syiramissyousomuchshaer ::
March 17, 2011
10am to 12pm
Never Think Never Plan,
Free Time, Juz Go and Spend.
Jalan-jalan buang masa, buang duit, buang tension, buang tebiat bersama BFF ^,^
Free Time, Juz Go and Spend.
Jalan-jalan buang masa, buang duit, buang tension, buang tebiat bersama BFF ^,^
only half coz the other half is in KK =(
kiba n me
:: plz plz plz, bagitau saya 'shopping' itu satu pembaziran ::
March 16, 2011
twenty-one:fully grown or childish?
Its midnite, silent, dark, cold, n bored..
i am alone, sitting infront of my luvly vaio juz like usual. All of a sudden, lights of bulb cames out asking me a question.."hey dreamer, why dont u open your blog n tell others about your birthday??" i juz, ha'ah la aku lupe nak tulis pasal tu!mangkok -,-''
9th of March 2011Chating, texting, macam biase je kot. Memang aku tau esok birthday aku tapi ntah la. Macam bosan jek. Bukan de mak kat campus nak belikan kek, bagi hadiah. Bukan de abah kat campus untuk aku minta duit lebih, sebab birthday. Bukan de member2 skola yang datang uma and celeb together. Its juz, sedeyh kot! T.T
Sampai la betul2 tepat kowl 12mlm, which is the date is changed to 10th march, suddenly my cellphone ringing and shaerah-hubby comes out. Aku angkat je tros kua munyik "happy birthday syg!.." wee~ aku ske kot.hehe. Well, sape tak suke bile beloved diorang call and wish bithday and, and, and, become the first person yg wish! =D Thanx a lot By for your wishes, for calling, for 3G, and also thanx to your friends yg wish jgk. Even though tengah kelaparan dan makan, still tak henti2 tengok jam to makesure u're the first who wish birthday to me. That's why i love u! tapi kan, sedeyh la plak bile mr.Hubby cakap tak dapat nak celeb sesame, kitorang kan jauh. plus, aku tak dapat pegi KK minggu tu sebab ade midterm on Sunday.WTH -,-
10TH MARCH 2011
Nothing happened. ari biase kot, org sebok ke class, busy nak midterm. birthday aku? err,ade diorang kisah?? perasan! tapi nasib bek la ade FB, terase-lah birthday girl tu kan. org wish, bla bla bla.. kat cellphone pun. boleh2 mak called and asked, "ade ko dapat present?" my answer, "mak takde camne nak dapat"..
Come on-lah syira, ko da besar kot (takla besar sangat). so, tak kisah la ade present ke tak, yg penting mak bagi duit utk shopping. Do i care??LOL
Night of the day-bff aku ckp ade meeting. aku pun turun pegi cafe. tengok2, ade kfc.glup! tibe2 dgr sora bff, "kpd Siti Nursyahirah, happy birthday! jap lagi aku anta kek ko ye." then kua kek+makcik cafe nyanyi lagu birthday. uhai, suprise kot! Thanx BFF! luv u tight2! ^^
normal la kalau tangan da kotor pegang food, memang tak teusik-lah hp utk snap pic
kek da masuk perut,ni je yg tinggal =p
Note for myself : no matter how far your family, your boy, your teddy, your scooter, u always have your friends that cares of u, xoxo =')
March 14, 2011
Chapter..okey no more chapter (tired of counting)
:: I dont know why im saying this,its juz came from my heart. i missed my family so badly. Abah, Mak, Aman and Ami. owh tears please stop falling ='(
Babe, i juz wondering..
if we have to be alone, if no one likes us, if no one cares bout us, if no one knows us, or even no one notice that we are actually exist.
Babe,i juz thinking..
life is not about boys, is not about stuff, is not about love, is not about beauty, is not about money..
There's so many things that we have to think, so many people we have to care, so many work we have to do..
Most people are pretend to be happy, to be nice, to be cool, to be calm, and to be someone else.
but inside, who knows? its only get hurt, sad, bad..
Babe, please stop pretending. cry if that can makes u feel better, yell if that makes u feel great, and juz let others say anything they want. they're actually want to be like u, they actually jealous on u, and they actually want to destroy u.
Babe,life is not over..
when your beloved leave u, when u have no money, when u have a bad result, n when worst thing happen to u..
Life is juz wonderfull, it is juz colourfull..Family always at your side. no matter how bad are u, they're always there for u and will support u.
March 6, 2011
Love's v0ice
You STEAL me from myself and put inside your HEART
- i LOVE you
- i MISS you
- i NEED you
u're da buyers
March 5, 2011
Chapter 6
When i wokeup n see my phone there's a msg from mr.Hubby ==> syg =(
i juz wondering..nape plak tetibe send msg camni?? Then aku pun tnye la kat mr.Hubby nape text camtu..
N u know what,rupenye die mimpi aku ngan laki lain..haih..ptot-lah monyok aje..
Apela mr.Hubby ni,bley2 plak die mimpi camtu...cian die..huhu.Tu la tido tak cuci kaki..mesti lupe hug c Kiki ni.. T.T
Btw, juz want u all to know that kiki is my bloved teddy..hehe.Memang sgt chomel owh! ari2 mau tdo mesti aku hug die..but since in l0ve with mr.Hubby ni, aku tak hug die da..coz aku bagi kiki kat mr.Hubby. Memang la aku sayang gile kat kiki n miss him s0metimes. But orang kate kalau kite sayang some1,kite kene bagi barang yg kite sayang kat org aku bagi je la kan. plus, name kiki tu pun mr.Hubby yg name kan..coz actually c kiki ni ade twin yg name Koko.
koko ni kat aku, tak dapat la nak bagi mr.Hubby due2, kang menanges aku tak boley tdo.. =p
But now c koko da de teman, tak la sorang2 je die kat atas katil kan..n name kawan baru die,c biru!haha. Yang ni takde name sweet2 chomel2 ye. D'sbb kan teddy ni wane biru so automaticly aku bagi name die biru.
c Biru ni mr.Hubby yg belikan utk aku..okey,citenye camni..
One day de la cuzzie aku ni cakap mau datang Labuan,saje2 je kot aku pun lupe sbb ape..aku tanye die tak datang skali ngan mr.Hubby ke sbb aku da rindu gile ngan cuzzie ckp die datang sorg je mr.Hubby tak dapat follow coz bz kot,something like that-lah kan.Then aku pun..okey FINE~
Sampai la ari kedatangan cuzzie aku ni..dlm kowl 12 kot die text aku..tnye aku kat ne n mau jumpe kat UK..aku ckp aku ade class kowl 2,camne mau,keta sewa fully-booked plak tu. Tamau nek bas owh,sangat lembab!! Tapi cuzzie pakse gak aku g jmpe die..aku tnye apesal??die ckp ade brg mr.Hubby kirim utk mau tamau t'pakse-lah aku tggu bas sorang2 utk ke UK jmpe cuzzie sengal..huh!
Time dlm bas aku text mr.Hubby,macam2 la aku bebel sbb kne g UK sorang2,1st time kot mne la aku tak m'bebel.cuak jugak =,=' tapi mr.Hubby slamber je..die ckp xpela amik brg kejap je pastu blk la..aku okey la sket kan,tapi c cuzzie ni plak tak abis2 text aku tnye da kat ne?lmbt la, tu la, ni la..adoi~geram owh! da la aku mls mau kua, ngan pkai formal, kasut itam, bawak buku ekonomi yg berat gile, pakcik bas ag drive cam sipot!
Sampai2 je aku kt UK tu aku tros tnye c cuzzie ni kat ne. Bile nmpak die ngan muke macam mau makan org aku tros tnye "mane barang tu??" then die bagi aku paper bag. Aku nampak cam de teddy je tapi tak plak aku kuakan sbb rushing mau blk. c cuzzie tnye mau g mane,leks dlu minum2..ha yelah minum sgt, aku kne blk campus sbb ade class kowl 2,die boley ajak aku minum ag. N.. the best moment is bile aku toleh je blakang mau blah..guess what?? i see mr.Hubby btul2 kat depan aku,OMG!!
Tu la suprise paling best penah aku dpt dari mr.Hubby. Patot-lah die releks je msg aku..ckp baru bgn tdo-lah konon..siot tipu aku..huhu. Tapi memang sweet-lah kot kan..saje je die ske tgk muke aku huduh time mrh2.haha.
Sebagai p'ganti n tande minta maaf sbb dgn jaya nye tipu aku..Pizza-lah jawabnye! ^,^
i hug them everynite,everyday! <3
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